Thursday, September 8, 2011

First Day of Teaching/weekend post

Well My first day of teaching is over. It had it's highs and it's lows. Mostly lows. But that is primarily because I need to get into the swing of doing this stuff every day. Met some really great kids I look forward to working with, and a few that we're going to have to keep an eye on, thus far the 6th graders were by far the easiest to deal with. Also had the first official full production meeting for Seussical. We're working with the art instructor we have in our department and she wants to paint everything so I'm going to have to assert that I'm actually a damn good scenic artist and there are some things she won't be as good at because of translating to stage. So hopefully we'll split some of it. I've given her some sketches for pieces and she'll be giving me some sketches for pieces. and DAMN this show is going to cost a lot of money. The school's typical sound rental fee is $1600, and we still have a set budget and have to rent lights. so yeah.

Tomorrow to end the official school day we have a memorial program for 9/11 and then orientation and welcoming stuff for the boarders on campus. All that being said I have a ton of work for this weekend so I may not post again till the start of next week. Keeping that in mind I think it appropriate for an early 9/11 post now. It's hard for me to believe it has been a decade since it happened. And not that I would ever wish something like that upon our country or any other, I miss the unity the country experienced and the "we're all in this together" attitude, as well as the selfless giving that came forth. To commemorate the 10th anniversary I leave  you with one of my all time favorite moments from West Wing that isn't even from the episode they did immediately after 9/11. I think this clip sums up exactly what I meant about the heroes that thought about other people first and put their own lives at risk to help.

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